And the day came when the risk to remain tight in a bud was more painful than the risk it took to blossom. -Anaïs Nin-
Every new path requires a first step.
I'm not sure there is a single human being in the World who hasn't faced the push and pull between the discomfort of remaining stuck and the discomfort of moving forward into change. Running from change is a natural response and, ironically, in our personal, creative and professional lives, it lands us right back in "stuck" again. A constant treading that can be exhausting. So many of us feel defined by old stories, remain circling in deeply ingrained patterns and habits, and all the while are yearning to move forward and create a path that feels more aligned with our authentic selves. In our art, our relationships, our mental and physical health, our jobs and more.
You are not alone.

What if you chose not to run?
I create a space for my clients to remain in the present moment, distill the noise and discover or get reacquainted with their own voice, so they can begin forward motion on their own terms.
Through reflective listening and powerful questioning, I create a sacred space free of judgement, so we can challenge limiting beliefs, manage overwhelm, transform wounds, and truly celebrate all you are. In a World of "Crush it!" and "Go, go, go!", the level of pressure and expectation is enough to stop you in your tracks.
Here, we will slow it down, break it apart and, with self love and compassion, create a new path cultivated by you. Here, we create lasting change. You do not need to be "fixed". You are already whole. My clients tap into their own power to liberate themselves from whatever is holding them back and move them forward in a whole new way.
​You deserve to be the architect of your own journey.
I'm here to help.